Breaking Cryptocurrencies

The subtle art of detection, identification, and patching of vulnerabilities in decentralized and digital currency

“Breaking cryptocurrencies” is the most current resource for learning about blockchain attack vectors. After reading this book, the reader will understand how blockchains work and the minimal requirements to break them. Understanding the techniques needed to analyze, monitor, and protect blockchain-based projects will equip readers with the tools they need to ensure the highest security protocols.

The book is composed of three main parts: Analysis, Attacking, and Prevention. The main goal of the first part is to provide the reader with tools to identify vulnerabilities, followed by attacks and how to execute them. Finally, the book concludes with how to eliminate vulnerabilities and prevent attacks.

It strives to become the best resource to learn about cryptocurrency and the blockchain system’s vulnerabilities, possible attacks, analysis, and defense methods.

The book targets development and security professionals who want to ensure that their blockchain-based cryptocurrency systems are as resilient as possible.

Over nine chapters, the book will teach professionals how to execute all security stages of any particular system. Starting from surveillance, to detailed descriptions and examples of network, economic, and cryptographic attacks, security flaws, and social engineering tactics, all the way to how to set up an efficient defense perimeter.

The book will be highly technical in some chapters while remaining simple enough in the rest that even non-technical security-concerned readers will be able to benefit from the contents.

While you’re waiting for the release, you can download the cover as pdf.

Draft of the Outline

Chapter 1: A brief introduction to Cryptocurrency and Information Security

First Part: Reconnaissance

Chapter 2: Getting Information

Pululat herba satis, quae nil habet utilitatis – “The useless grass always grows too much”

Chapter 3: Data Mining and Analyzing

Chapter 4: Network-based Attacks

Pomum compunctum cito corrumpit sibi iunctum – “A bruised fruit quickly spoils the fruit next to it”

Chapter 5: Crypto-based Attacks

Chapter 6: Software Flaws

Chapter 7: Taking advantage of the human mind

Everything in war is based on deception.

Chapter 8: Break the markets

Chapter 9: Breaking Applications based on Blockchain

… any idea? …

Chapter 9: Security

Praestat cautela quam medela – Preventing it is better than cure it

Project status

The preview at the moment is in Italian. This choice was taken to speed the writing development since Italian is the native language of the author. Want to help me? Send me an e-mail